A.M. Links: North Korea and South Korea Fire Shells Across Sea Border, Obamacare Site Pages Undergoing Maintenance, GOP Hawks Preparing Anti-Rand Paul Campaign

  • South Korea returned fire
    after North Korean shells landed in its waters during live fire
    exercises. According to a South Korean Defense Ministry spokesman
    hundreds of shells were fired in the exchange.
  • This morning some pages on
    were down for maintenance. Today is the
    enrollment deadline.
  • Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott says that the he’s not
    putting a time limit on the hunt for
    . Dozens of objects have been spotted in the search area
    west of Australia, but none have been definitely linked to the
    missing plane.
  • Secretary of State
    John Kerry
    met with his Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov
    yesterday to discuss the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. Kerry said that
    any resolution to the situation must include pulling back the
    buildup of Russian military forces on Ukraine’s eastern
  • Republican donors who don’t agree with the non-interventionist
    foreign policy advocated by Sen.
    Rand Paul (R-Ky.)
    are reportedly preparing for a
    counter-campaign aimed at preventing Paul from securing the GOP’s
    2016 presidential nomination.
  • French
    socialists have suffered losses
    in local elections. The
    center-right Union for a Popular Movement and the nationalist
    National Front made gains.

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