Judge Rejects Drug Court Judge’s 1.5 Year Plea Deal, Demands 2 Years Instead

benefited from drug war till it ensnared himLast May, Michael Cook, a drug
court judge in St. Clair County, Illinois, was
with possession of heroin and having a gun while using
an illegal controlled substance. He eventually plead guilty in
exchange for an 18 month prison sentence. But then, earlier this
according to KMOV

A federal judge rejected the deal, saying it wasn’t
enough hard time for the ex-judge.

Judge Joe Billy McDade said regarding his sentence there are a
number of things to consider, including the number of cases Cook
presided over as judge of the county drug
court. McDade is also looking into the amount of time
Cook was using heroin before he sought treatment.

Since his arrest, several of Cook’s cases have been thrown out,
overturned or have to be retried.

Sentencing was on Friday, and Cook was
instead given
a “long” 2-year term because, according to Judge
McDade, Cook “undermined the rule of law.” He will also have to pay
for the cost of his confinement and subsequent 3-year supervised
release, as well as a $10,000 fine.

The drug court judge initially came under scrutiny by law
enforcement officials after another St. Clair County judge, Joe
Christ, overdosed on cocaine at Cook’s family cabin just a week
after being sworn in as judge. And there’s more, via KMOV

St. Clair County probation worker James Fogarty later
told investigators he snorted cocaine with the two judges and
repeatedly sold them the drug, including on the eve of the trip to
the hunting cabin. Fogarty later pleaded guilty in
federal court to possession with intent to distribute cocaine
and unlawful possession of a firearm.

A federal judge later said he won’t accept Fogarty’s deal to serve
five years in prison if testing shows the man’s drugs were the ones
that killed a Christ. 

“Enhanced” sentences for non-violent drug possession (or sale)
that include possession of a firearm are common around the country,
even though so long as the drug trade remains within the black
market, firearms are needed to prevent fraud, enforce contracts,
and support other business practices for which an attorney would
suffice in non-criminalized industries.

In fact, Cook’s possession charge was a misdemeanor; he admitted
to possessing about a gram of heroin when arrested in front of his
alleged drug dealer’s house. Cook’s felony charge was mere
possession of a firearm while using heroin. Illinois sentencing
call for up to 15 additional years if a
firearm is used while committing a drug or other offense. 

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/1jPJdfD

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