US/UK Investigating New Assad Chemical Attacks In Syria

It seems tensions in Ukraine are not escalating fast enough for the US warmongers. As The Daily Mail reports, allegations have emerged that Syria’s Assad regime has carried out four new chemical attacks in the suburbs of Damascus. We can only assume that there is clear “YouTube-able” proof of this as The White House said it was “monitoring reports.” The attacks were carried out using industrial rather than weaponised agents to lessen the chances of military intervention from Western powers, it was reported. UK diplomats added that they’re “aware of the allegations but not able to corroborate them at this time.” The Syrian National Coalition said, “we condemn the Assad regime’s gas attacks,” and called on the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to carry out an investigation.


The Daily Mail reports,

Allegations have emerged that Syria has carried out four new chemical attacks in the suburbs of Damascus.


The attacks were carried out using industrial rather than weaponised agents to lessen the chances of military intervention from Western powers, it was reported.


One attack took place on March 27 and targeted rebel fighters in the suburb of Harasta, Syrian rebels and doctors claim.


The other attacks took place in Daraya on January 13 and in this month in Adra and Jobar, according to The Times.

The White House is investigating (eyes glued to YouTube we are sure)…


As is the UK…

A Foreign Office spokesman told MailOnline: ‘We’re aware of the allegations but not able to corroborate them at this time.’

The (allegedly US backed) rebels are not happy…

The Syrian National Coalition, meanwhile, claims that the attacks have resulted in fatalities, with three killed in Harasta and three in Daraya.


It said: ‘We condemn the Assad regime’s gas attacks… and we call on the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to carry out an investigation.’


In the Harasta attack, symptoms suffered by patients included ‘hallucination, accelerated pulse, trouble breathing and, in some cases, suffocation’, The Jerusalem Post quoted the Syrian American Medical Society as saying.

It’s worth bearing in mind that the chemical weapons clean-up is not going well…

President Bashar al-Assad’s government has missed several deadlines.


‘The Syrians control the timeline. They’ve committed to deliver the materials no later than the 27 of April. If they meet that commitment we would be starting the process within days,’ Rear Admiral Bob Burke, director of U.S. naval operations in Europe and Africa, said.


Assad has cited unrest around Latakia as the most recent reason for delays in delivering the chemicals still in Syria.

We await a new red-line and the latest round of Kerry-isms to show just how much YouTube proof the US has that Russia’s other “friend” is up to no good again…

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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