Justin Amash Digs Captain America Movie, Slags NSA Surveillance

comes a movie review of  Captain America:
The Winter Soldier
 by Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.):

“I like Captain America and actually the most recent movie was
fantastic,” Amash said during a WOOD Radio interview on the The
Justin Barclay Show in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Amash said that the movie directed a strong warning of the
dangers government surveillance, suggesting that his Republican
primary opponent would have sided with the bad guys in the

“It really was right up my alley in terms of the message. It was
directed at people like my opponent, frankly, who think you need to
monitor every single American in the country, that the Fourth
Amendment doesn’t matter – it was directed at those people.”

Amash is in a primary battle for his congressional seat, facing
Republican businessman Brian Ellis. Ellis has campaigned against
Amash’s principled stance on surveillance issues, particularly his
fight to reform the National Security Agency.

Read the whole thing here.

I’m with Amash regarding both NSA surveillance and the new
Captain America flick (Reason.com movie critic Kurt Loder
the first Captain America flick). As noted
by both Loder and Reason’s Peter Suderman (who reviews movies for
Washington Times
), Winter Soldier is a definite
throwback to 1970s-era paranoid thrillers. As with the recent
Batman movies by Christoper Nolan, it’s really a
meditation on post-9/11 issues related to security, privacy, and
justice. Which makes it especially cool that it’s kicking ass at
the box office, having pulled in about $170 million so far.

Reason TV interviewed Justin Amash in 2013. Watch below.

Read a transcript here.

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/1eWNEOm

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