Darth Vader Steps Up His Political Campaign In Ukraine

The (west) Ukraine locals may be caught in a proxy war vise of a western-appointed puppet government desperate to do NATO’s bidding, an IMF which has made it clear bailout funds will only continue as long as said government maintains a belligerent stance toward Russia, a Kremlin which holds all the commodity trump cards with its gas supplies, and finally an imploding economy where the industrial eastern parts are on their way to becoming part of Russia not to mention insolvent banks which are one missed IMF rescue payment from total collapse, but at least they can still make some funny clips. Such as this one showing a very symbolic Darth Vader campaigning in Odessa, promising potential voters to “build the first earth-based planetary empire.”

The irony here, of course, is that Vader is supposed to represent Putin, yet his planetary empire ambitions are far more suitable for a very different “pro-Ukraine” world leader…

via Zero Hedge http://ift.tt/1lILW8B Tyler Durden

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