When it comes to demands for “Net Neutrality” as the only means
of keeping the Internet free and open, Nick Gillespie isn’t
impressed. He writes:
Reports of the imminent death of the Internet’s freewheeling
ways and utopian possibilities are more wildly exaggerated and full
of spam than those emails from Mrs.
Mobotu Sese-Seko.In fact, the real problem isn’t that the FCC hasn’t shown the
cyber-cojones to regulate ISPs like an old-school
telephone company or “common carrier,” but that it’s trying to
increase its regulatory control of the Internet in the first
place.Under the proposal currently in play, the FCC assumes an
increased ability to review ISP offerings on a “case-by-case basis”
and kill any plan it doesn’t believe is “commercially reasonable.”
Goodbye fast-moving innovation and adjustment to changing
technology on the part of companies, hello regulatory morass and
long, drawn-out bureaucratic hassles.
from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/1oAQU8r