Boehner To Sue Obama

Now that Eric Cantor is history, crushed by an unexpected Tea Party “David” (literally and metaphorically) as the US population finally begins to say no to an artifical “two-party” system which is quite united in only serving its Wall Street masters, it is time for that other republican, none other than the consummate folding lawn chair John Boehner, to scramble fearing for his own political career. And since the only way the GOP knows to challenge the implosion of the US republic is by making loud noises and providing hours of hollow theatrical entertainment, here comes Boehner with the biggest soap opera he could muster: moments ago the speaker announced he plans to sue Obama “on behalf of the House over his frequent use of executive actions that Republicans believe are beyond his authority.”

Of course, if the republicans wants to make a real statement they should just impeached Obama. However, remember: this is only theater. Boehner confirmed as much. According to The Hill, “during his weekly Capitol press conference, the Speaker accused the president of violating his oath of office by not “faithfully executing the laws of our country.” But Boehner said the lawsuit would not lead to an attempt to remove Obama from office. “This is not about impeachment,” Boehner said. “This is about his faithfully executing the laws of our country.

Oh, so it is not about impeachment: so is it only about generating the brownie populist points that go alongside such “tremendous bravery” as engaging in a clearly hollow straight to TV spectacle?

More on this farce from Fox:

The speaker alleged that the president not only has ignored the law but “brags about it,” decrying what he described as “arrogance and incompetence.”


Boehner had been weighing such a lawsuit in recent days, over concerns that Obama exceeded his constitutional authority with executive actions. Republicans have voiced frustration with Obama’s second-term “pen and phone” strategy of pursuing policy changes without Congress — particularly environmental rules via the Environmental Protection Agency. Republicans also complained about numerous unilateral changes to the implementation of ObamaCare.


The lawsuit has not yet been filed. But asked Wednesday whether he intended to proceed, Boehner said: “I am.”

Which means no: reference – all those previous debt ceiling battles where the speaker was just as “resolute.”

“My view is the president has not faithfully executed the laws,” he said. “What we have seen clearly over the last five years is an effort to erode the power of the Legislative Branch.”


The decision to sue still would have to be formally approved by a group of House leaders. Presuming that step is cleared, the suit is expected to be filed in a few weeks.


The plaintiff would be the House of Representatives.

Well, at least the House would finally be busy “doing” something. For everything else there is, as Chuck Schumer made so very clear once and for all, the Mr. Chairmanwoman, who continues to “get to work” every single day, making America’s very rich, richer.

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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