A.M. Links: ISIS Declares ‘Caliphate’ in Iraq, Bill Clinton Pushes Pot Legalization, Facebook Is Manipulating Our Feels

  • Jihadist militant group ISIS has declared that
    it is
    establishing a caliphate
    —a state ruled by strict Islamic law,
    and a longtime goal of many jihadists—on the territories it
    controls in Iraq and Syria. 
  • Former Procter & Gamble CEO
    Robert McDonald will be nominated
    by President Obama to serve
    as the new Veterans Affairs secretary. “He comes with the
    credentials they need at this time: management expertise and
    someone who has made a living making tough decisions,” said Bob
    Wallace, executive director of the Veterans of Foreign
  • Bill Clinton
    urged states
    to step up their “laboratories of democracy” game
    and start experimenting with marijuana legalization. 
  • Though the FDA’s had ample time to meddle with small American
    craft brewers and cheesemakers lately, the agency is apparently

    too busy to inspect
    more than 1-2 percent of food imported from
  • As the nation—or at least businesses and the chattering
    classes—anxiously await today’s Hobby Lobby decision from the
    Supreme Court, a poll shows 53 percent of Americans support
    Obamacare’s birth control mandate
     without exceptions for
    religious beliefs, while 35 percent are against it. 
  • Organizers for Initiative 71, a measure that would fully
    legalize marijuana possession in the District of Columbia, say
    gathered nearly 60,000 signatures
    , almost three times the
    amount needed to get the issue on the November ballot.  
  • Facebook frequently tweaks the user experience subtly for the
    purpose of product development, but the company has now revealed
    that some changes were part of
    a psychological experiment
    on whether different kinds of
    content could manipulate users’ emotions. The move is being widely
    panned as unethical. 

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