A.M. Links: U.S. Blames Russia For Creating Conditions for Likely Accidental Downing of Malaysia Flight, International Flights to Israel Canceled After Hamas Rocket Lands Near Airport, Lois Lerner Hard Drive Scratched But Not Destroyed

  • circa 1961U.S.
    intelligence officials blamed
    for creating the “conditions” under which Malaysian Air
    Flight MH-17 was shot down but indicated pro-Russia separatists in

    likely downed the flight by mistake.
  • International flights to and from
    are being canceled, with the
    Federal Aviation Administration
    banning them for 24 hours,
     after a rocket launched from Gaza landed near Tel Aviv’s Ben
    Gurion International Airport. Israeli airline El-Al will continue
    to operate flights and former New York City mayor
    Michael Bloomberg
    will be flying to Israel to demonstrate that
    it’s safe. John
    , meanwhile, is back in the region for more
  • The hard drive containing
    Lois Lerner
    e-mails of interest to House investigators may not
    have been destroyed after all—an Internal Revenue Service tech
    expert now says the drive was merely scratched.
  • The Tea Party-backed
    Barry Loudermilk
    defeated 2008 Libertarian presidential
    candidate and former Republican representative Bob Barr in a
    Republican congressional primary run-off in Georgia. On the GOP’s
    senate side, businessman
    David Purdue
    defeated longtime representative Jack
  • The
    New York Police Department
    will be retraining all of its
    officers after a man a group of officers tried to subdue with a
    chokehold died. The police commissioner also said he wouldn’t be
    surprise if the federal government brought civil rights charges
    against the cops involved.
  • Sixty seven percent of voting respondents in a Rasmussen poll
    were more divided now than they were four years

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