Brazilian Presidential Candidate Dies In Jet Crash



Brazil’s stock market is reeling this morning as rumors and now news hit that Brazilian Presidential candidate Eduardo Campos was on board a private jet that crashed in the city of Santos. Polls had put Mr. Campos head-to-head with Ms. Rousseff (but behind Ms. Silva).



The type of plane he was flying:


As Reuters reports,

A private jet carrying Brazilian presidential candidate Eduardo Campos crashed on Wednesday in the city of Santos, according to a source in Campos’s political party.


The plane, a Cessna 560XL, lost contact with air traffic control as it was preparing to land, according to an Air Force statement. Television images showed smoke billowing from the crash site in a residential area of Santos.


A police official in Santos said there were “certainly” fatalities in the crash, but could not say how many or provide any additional information.


The party source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Campos’ running mate, Marina Silva, was not on board the plane.

The crash site…


Campos’ beliefs include:

He has pledged to expand social welfare programs introduced by rousseff’s predecessor Lula and scaling back government intervention in the economy.


Campos, born Aug. 10,1965, would propose a bill to grant the central bank full independence with fixed terms for its director, establish clear rules to regulate fuel and electricity prices, and seek to negotiate bilateral trade accords without the south american bloc Mercosur. Campos has also pledged to reduce red tape for businesses and citizens and cut by almost half the 39 federal ministries.


During his first six years as governor of the northeastern state of Pernambuco, homicide rates fell 39 per-cent and the economy grew 5.1 percent annually, faster than the national average of 3.7 percent.

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The Economist provides some color on Mr. Campos:

EDUARDO CAMPOS is both modern manager and old-fashioned political boss. As governor of the poor, north-eastern state of Pernambuco, he has attracted private investment, brought private managers into state hospitals, introduced elements of performance-based pay for teachers and made some schools operate a full eight-hour day, rather than the four-hour shifts common in Brazil.


He is also the leader of the Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB) and had long been its presumptive candidate to challenge President Dilma Rousseff of the ruling Workers’ Party (PT) in a presidential poll next year. One thing he lacked was national name-recognition. That started to change on October 5th, when the PSB announced an alliance with Marina Silva, a popular environmental activist and, like Mr Campos, former minister in the cabinet of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Two days earlier the country’s highest electoral court had refused to register the Sustainability Network, a party being set up by Ms Silva, on the grounds that it had failed to submit the 492,000 supporting signatures that new parties must collect.


Rather than join one of a shoal of tiddler parties or withdraw from the fray, she unexpectedly plumped for the PSB, splashing her and Mr Campos’s faces on the front pages of newspapers and covers of magazines. The decision about which of them will challenge Ms Rousseff will be made early next year. Polls put Ms Silva ahead of Mr Campos in a head-to-head contest with Ms Rousseff (who beats both of them). Would Mr Campos settle for the vice-presidency?

Read more here…

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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