Market Catalyst? East Ukraine Rebel Leader Strelkov Gravely Injured, Russian Media Reports

Moments after the tragic news that Brazil’s presidential candidate Eduardo Campos died in a plane crash, Russian Itar-Tass reported, citing press agency Novorossya, that another prominent public figure, this time the leader of the Donetsk rebels and the minister of defense of the Donetsk People’s Republic has been “seriously injured.”

From Itar-Tass:

The Defence Minister of the People’s Republic of Donetsk (DNI) Igor Strelkov has been seriously injured. This was reported by “Novorossia”.

“Igor Strelkov was seriously wounded. This is what we were told by a source in the New Russia. The condition of the Minister of Defence of the DNI is serious, – the report says.

So far ITAR-TASS does not have confirmation of this report from other sources.

Igor Strelkov was appointed head of the Security Council and the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Donetsk May 15th. In June, he was added to the United States sanctions list.

It is possible that this news, so far unconfirmed, was the catalyst that sent stocks surging earlier as it may (or may not, depending on one’s angle) indicate a de-escalation if only by necessity.

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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