Steve Chapman on How Hillary Will Fail Liberals

Hillary ClintonHillary Clinton has obvious attractions for
liberals. She offers a solid chance of extending Democratic
occupancy of the White House for four or eight years. She would
realize the dream of a female president. She would appoint justices
to stop the rightward drift of the Supreme Court. She would drive
the tea party even crazier.

Not to mention that she’s one of them. She tried to overhaul
health insurance long before Obamacare. When she was a senator, the
liberal blog Daily Kos gave her a lifetime rating of 94.4 (100
being the most liberal), the same as Ted Kennedy. Her 1990s credo
was “It takes a village to raise a child”—a collectivist mantra if
there ever was one.

But if they mass behind Clinton’s presidential candidacy,
liberals will be making a Faustian deal. They may get the White
House. But if they expect her to implement an ambitious domestic
agenda, they are in for a painful shock. It’s not that she wouldn’t
like to achieve it. It’s that her priorities will make it

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