‘Kissing Congressman’ Is Back, Parading Wife, Kids in New ‘Blessed’ Ad

Rep. Vance McAllister (R-La.) was just your
everyday empty suit politician until a surveillance video from his
own office was leaked earlier this year. Filmed during a Christmas
party (just weeks after he took office) it revealed McAllister’s
super power: the ability to
passionately smooch
one his aides,
her marriage, and then convince her to “voluntarily” part
ways with her job.

The world also caught a brief glimpse of McAllister’s super
arrogance. Heath Peackock, a friend and big donor to McAllister’s
campaign, who happened to be the husband of the smooched aide,
Melissa, claimed that the congressman’s religious rhetoric was just
political schtick
. And, despite
demands to resign
from fellow Republicans like Gov. Bobby
Jindal and Louisiana Republican Chair Roger Villere, McAllister
said he wouldn’t budge,
vague things like, “I’ve always tried to be an honest

Even the Duck Dynasty Robertson clan, which helped
McAllister get elected, was quick to
distance itself
 from the public servant after his

Now, McAllister’s flaunting that super arrogance. He just
an advertisement titled “Blessed,” parading around Kelly, his wife
of 15 years.

“Life is filled with ups and downs,” the congressman says

“But a man’s character,” adds the mother of his five children,
“is based on how many times he gets back up and stands

Watch the magic:

Read about how McAllister apparently texted about his kissing
scandal with complete

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/YbAUAX

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