Police Shooting Over Seatbelt Violation Leads to S.C. State Trooper Being Fired, Arrested, Charged With Aggravated Assault and Battery

South Carolina state trooper shoots manThree weeks ago Sean Groubert, a “lance corporal”
with the South Carolina Highway Patrol, shot repeatedly at Levar
Jones after stopping him over an apparent seatbelt violation.
Yesterday he was charged with high and aggravated assault and
battery. Though he shot Jones, who was unarmed, several times,
The State
 Jones may have only been hit once. He appears to
shoot almost immediately after asking Jones to return to his car to
retrieve his license.

The shooting was caught on the trooper’s dash cam, and played
during his bond hearing (set at $75,000). Groubert faces up to 30
years if convicted. 90 percent of state troopers in South Carolina
are represented by the South Carolina Troopers Association (SCTA).
Diane Rollison of the SCTA, however, would not confirm whether
Groubert was a member or whether it would be defending him in any

Watch video of the shooting here:

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/1qyrLZS

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