Zenon Evans Says the ISIS War Won’t End With Bullets or Bombs

The U.S. is a long way from resolving “Operation
Inherent Resolve”, the name given to our new and undeclared war in
Iraq and Syria. President Barack Obama says it’s
“going to be a long-term campaign. There are not quick fixes
involved. … As with any military effort, there will be days of
progress and there are going to be periods of setback.” We’re only
four months into what the president suggests could be
 to “degrade and destroy” the Islamic State

The looming question is, how does war with a totalitarian
Jihadist group actually end successfully, rather than morph from
one military campaign into another ad infinitum? Zenon Evans spoke
to a range of policy analysts who say it’s going to take more than
just bullets and bombs. And it’s not going to be a simple “we
win, they lose” scenario.

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