Do Third-Party Candidates Spoil Elections?

Americans will finally head to the polls on Tuesday to vote in
the midterm elections, which is raising all the usual questions
about the value of third-party candidates: Do they add variety and
serve as a check on the major parties, or do just spoil things for
the real candidates?

Earlier this month Reason TV’s Nick Gillespie sat down with Avin
Vohra, vice chair of the Libertarian National Committee, to discuss
the big issues in this election and why he thinks voting for the
Libertarian Party isn’t throwing away a vote.

The story originall ran on October 28, 2014. Here’s the
original write-up: 

“When you give [Democrats and Republicans] your vote, you’re
telling them ‘Go ahead, keep on doing what you’re doing,'” explains
Libertarian National Committee Vice Chair Arvin Vohra. “And when
you vote for the Libertarian candidate you are telling them, in no
uncertain terms, ‘You do not have either my approval or my
permission to grow or sustain big government: shrink it

As the midterm elections approach, Democrats and Republicans are
making their final pleas to win over undecided voters, with some
casting Libertarian candidates as “spoilers” in a few key races.
But Vorha, himself running as a Libertarian for Maryland’s
4th congressional district
 against Democratic incumbent
Donna Edwards, dismisses the charge. Despite his low poll numbers,
Vohra sees the act of casting a vote for the Libertarian Party as a
pathway to reform. He quotes a former Libertarian candidate: “Not
all politicians are smart, but they can all

Vohra recently sat down with Reason TV’s Nick Gillespie to
discuss the 2014 elections, the issues that resonate across the
country, and why he believes voting for the Libertarian Party is
not throwing your vote away. 

Shot by Meredith Bragg and Joshua Swain. Edited by

from Hit & Run

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