Ferguson No-Fly Zone Aimed to Stop Media, Brittany Maynard Commits Suicide, GOP Senate Candidates Pull Ahead: A.M. Links

  • Brittany Maynard, a 29-year-old woman suffering from terminal
    cancer, committed
    assisted suicide
     this weekend in Oregon with a lethal dose
    of prescription drugs.
  • Audio recordings reveal that the Federal Aviation
    Administration’s 12-day ban on flights over Ferguson, Missouri, was
    intended—at least by local authorities—to
    keep news helicopters
     from witnessing and covering events
  • It will all be over soon, but one more time for kicks: Weekend

    polling numbers show Republican
    candidates with a slight lead
    over Democrats in several of the more contested U.S. Senate
  • J/K!, it never ends: Runoff elections are
    looking likely
    in Georgia and Louisiana, which means “Who will
    control the Senate?” might not actually be answerable until
  • Meanwhile, in eastern Ukraine, Pro-Russian separatist
    Alexander Zakharchenko has been elected
    “head of the Donetsk
    People’s Republic”—a vote Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko
    denounced as a “farce”. 
  • The U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments today
    concerning the passports
    of American citizens born in
  • Canada has officially
    joined in on bombing
  • Meet Texas’
    wacky roster
    of third-party gubernatorial candidates.

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