Not Voting? Don’t Worry About It

Didn’t vote? Don’t want to vote? Don’t worry about it. It almost
certainly won’t matter anyway. In this 2008 video, Gordon Tullock,
a Professor Emeritus at the George Mason University School of Law,
and one of the founders of public choice economics, explains

Vote if you want to. Vote if you enjoy voting. Vote if you care
about a candidate, or about the process itself. But don’t vote
because you feel obligated to do so, or because you think your vote
alone is likely to make a difference. And no matter what, if you
don’t vote, don’t feel bad about it. 

In 2012, Reason‘s Katherine Mangu-Ward explained why
vote doesn’t count
. And over at Bloomberg View, Megan McArdle*
offers five good reasons to
skip voting today
. For the counterargument, here’s
Reason‘s Ed Krayewski
making the libertarian case for voting

*I am married to this person. 

from Hit & Run

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