What is the Biggest Barrier to Innovation in US? Government, Government, and Government.

The Atlantic
asked 50 “Silicon Valley insiders” a series
of questions about business, culture, and other things. Above are
the topline answers to the question, “What is the biggest barrier
to innovation in the United States?”

Given the roles of governments at various levels, it’s fair to
say that the respondents believe government is the
runaway problem. Immigration policy is set by government and
education is effectively controlled by it too. Thanks,

(Hat tip: Kevin Kelly’s
Google+ feed

And if you think it’s only high-tech bazillionaires who feel
this way, keep in mind that
the last time Gallup
asked jes’ plain folks, “Which of the
following do you think is the biggest threat to the country in
the—big business, big labor, or big government?,” a record-high
number chose big government.

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/1Bb1ufW

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