Crude Crash Crushes Stock Knife-Catchers – Bonds & Bullion Bid

Seemed appropriate…

But we just had to show this…Who says bears don't know how to have fun?


It appears the BoC-inspired bounce has run its correlated margin-call course…


And as goes crude so goes stocks…


As every asset class is the same trade…


And stocks are rolling over fast…as it seems Sraghi did not offer enough dovihsness today…


Small Caps were the worst performer today (along with Trannies) after being the most-squeezed in the last few days…


This is the 3rd dip that was ripped, only to turn into another dip…


As FANGs were hit hard (along with TSLA)…


Treasury yields rallied 2-4bps (with the curve bull flattening)…


Stocks caught down to bonds' early warning…


The USD Index drifted lower on the day led by EUR strength as Draghi's jawboning today did nothing to help…(notable weakness in commodity currencies)


Commodities were a mixed bag today with crude and copper giving back their gains as gold and silver rallied notably…


WTI crashed back below $30 as Gold broke back above $1100…thanks to Saudi Aramco's comments…


As Crude started to run for $30, stock losses accelerated…


Charts: Bloomberg

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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