Reason Nominated for 6 Maggie Awards

It is, you know. ||| ReasonI’m pleased to announce that the journalism factory whose content you are currently reading has been nominated for six awards by the Western Publishing Association, which comprises magazines and weekly newspapers and websites headquartered west of the Rocky Mountains. And the nominations for excellence in the production of consumer journalism in the calendar year 2015 are:

* Best Feature Article, Under 75,000 Circulation. For Elizabeth Nolan Brown’s “The War on Sex Trafficking Is the New War on Drugs: And the results will be just as disastrous, for ‘perpetrators’ and ‘victims’ alike.”

* Best Interview or Profile. For Matt Welch’s “The Conservative Realist: Sen. Rand Paul on ISIS, the Middle East, and when America should go to war.”

* Best Signed Editorial or Essay. Matt Welch’s “It’s Not Just About Race, It’s About Power: Rethinking policing after the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown.”

* Best Web or eNewsletter Article. Robby Soave’s “How an Influential Campus Rape Study Skewed the Debate: Widely cited study relies on surveys that don’t actually have anything to do with on-campus sexual assaults.”

* Best Web Publication. We’re competing against C-Suite Quarterly, Comstock’s, Powder, The Advocate, Truthdig, and VegNews.

* Best Use of Editorial Video. Paul Detrick and Joshua Swain’s “We Got on Grindr at CPAC.” Enjoy!

Winners will be announced May 6. For the previous seven years, Reason had been named a finalist in the Best Magazine, Politics & Social Issues category, but sadly this year that category was collapsed, and we were shunted into the Lifestyles & Alternative Lifestyles grouping, in which we did not place.

This marks 60 Maggie nominations during my tenure as editor (with five first-place prizes so far), none of which would be possible without your generous support of the Reason Foundation, the 501(c)3 nonprofit that publishes all of our journalism here. So thank you!

You can always donate more at this link, or go on a shopping bender at some of our affiliated stores, or simply subscribe to the damn magazine!

from Hit & Run

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