Donald Trump Enables Racism: New at Reason

Of the many lamentable features of the rise of Donald Trump, the enthusiasm with which he endorses violence against fellow Americans and the degree to which he enables bigotry are particularly alarming.

A. Barton Hinkle writes:

Trump has a history of swimming in those dank waters. He fed birtherist suspicions about President Obama long after such baseless rumors had been thoroughly debunked. Last year he tweeted a flagrantly false graphic claiming that 81 percent of white homicide victims are killed by blacks (the actual figure is 15 percent). The Republican front-runner also has claimed that Mexican immigrants are drug dealers and rapists, has threatened to deport 11 million unlawfully present immigrants, and has proposed a ban on all Muslims entering the United States.

These are broadsides, but Trump also fuels bigotry in other ways. In late February he asked a demonstrator at one of his rallies, “Are you from Mexico?” He has dallied with the KKK, is fond of referring to demographic cohorts as “the” (“the Muslims,” “the Hispanics,” “the blacks”) and has defended two men who assaulted a Latino man as “passionate.” (Are Latinos who assault Anglos “passionate”? Better not to ask.)

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