Hillary Clinton Explains Her “We’re Not Building A Wall” National Security Policy – Live Feed

Hillary Clinton prepares to rebuke a seemingly anti-interventionist Donald Trump as she takes to the podium to explain why BenghaziLivesMatter and how she will keep Americans safe without building a wall, militarizing the police, and increasing domestic surveillance…


Live Feed:


Meanwhile, the RNC issues the following statement:

There isn’t a more flawed messenger on national security issues than Hillary Clinton, who as Obama’s secretary of state helped turn Libya into a jihadist playground, spearheaded the dangerous nuclear deal with Iran, and secretly called for bringing terrorists from Guantanamo onto U.S. soil.


And while Clinton was jeopardizing our national security by exposing classified information on her secret email server, her State Department left high-risk diplomatic outposts around the globe vulnerable to attack.


Hillary Clinton’s national security record reads more like a list of things not to do rather than a model of how to keep America safe and secure.


via http://ift.tt/1PoeaYx Tyler Durden

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