How Government Cronies Redefined the Catfish: New at Reason

CatfishCronyism is the ugly marriage between special interest groups and politicians, which results in an abuse of the government’s power to grant special privileges to a few winners—for example, unfairly preventing competition or doling out subsidies and bailouts at the expense of taxpayers. Though cronyism is always outrageous, the way cronies go about achieving their goals is sometimes oddly funny. Case in point: the government’s changing the definition of catfish to classify the fish as—wait for it—meat, not seafood.

As Patrick Mustain reports in Scientific American, Sen. Thad Cochran, R-Miss., included an amendment in the 2008 farm bill designating catfish as a “species amenable to” the Federal Meat Inspection Act, which “requires appointment of inspectors to examine and inspect all meat food products prepared for commerce.” The 2014 farm bill made this silly amendment official, writes Veronique de Rugy.

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