Obama To Police: “I Am Your Best Hope”

In President Obama's latest effort to spin the recent violence infecting US cities into his platform of Hope, the President reminded a group of enforcement officials who they are dealing with. Following our comments a few days ago that "Some were wondering how Obama would spin the surge in violence between police and minorities into yet another push for gun control" we begin to see the President position himself to potentially draft & pass stricter gun control laws before he leaves office. Before doing so, he must assert his power as the only one capable of curing the sickness the US is experiencing.

According to The Fraternal Order of Police’s James O. Pasco, President Obama said "I'm your best hope" to which Pasco responded "I don't disagree."

The remarks were made during a meeting involving a plethora of enforcement groups yesterday according to the Washington Post. The US President is telling the police, basically, they cannot protect themselves and that he is their best hope. A similar mindset compared to what he said back in 2009 when he said Cambridge police "acted stupidly" when arresting Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. Police are dumb and the President is their only hope.  Got it?

As Breitbart commented:

While some fault Obama for worsening relations between law enforcement and the black community – dating to his 2009 claim that police had “acted stupidly” in arresting a Harvard professor at his own home – Obama’s experience as the nation’s first black president has apparently convinced him that he is the only one who can solve the problem.

Yesterday we noted how poorly black teenagers have done since President Obama came to mediate our economic problems under his Hope platform:

When it comes to organizing communities, remember how well Chicago has rebounded since the President showcased his "skills in the Illinois senate" (spoiler alert: it hasn't rebounded).  As Breitbart further commented:

Since becoming president, Obama has faced criticism from his home town as the murder rate in Chicago has spiked, and he has been seen to do little to address the problem, other than calling for more gun control.

The President's past shows us just how well he follows through on his more difficult initiatives.  As we noted yesterday, Chicago is still a gangland. With the President's hometown falling apart at the hands of gun violence the President has only called for more gun control. Think he'll do a better job on the national stage?

Now that President Obama's time in office is running out, are we to expect any sort of legislation to be introduced that would provide a lasting benefit to the community by the "only hope" the US has? Doubtful.

via http://ift.tt/29Vfgwn Tyler Durden

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