Nigel Farage’s Advice To Trump For Debate #2

One hundred days after his “Brexit” victory, Nigel Farage says he’s ready to help Donald Trump win his campaign, and, as he explained to CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, he has some advice for him on how to approach the next debate.

“What you’ve got to do, Donald, is talk to people sitting at home in their living rooms. Don’t get involved in a cat fight with Hillary,” Farage told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria.


“Whatever abuse she throws at you, ignore her. Don’t defend yourself. There’s no point. There isn’t time,” he added.

As CNN continues, the former UKIP leader also told Zakaria that his No. 1 piece of advice for the Republican presidential candidate was “don’t let her get under your skin.”


Notably while Hillary’s edge over Trump has increased a little post-debate, both candidates saw support increase…

via Tyler Durden

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