On Christmas Day, The Human Rights Activist and Director of CAIR Clamored for More Russian Death

This is like a movie playing out in real life. Sometimes reality is more perverse than fiction.
The self proclaimed human rights activist and director of the LA office for CAIR, Hussam Ayloush, tweeted on Christmas that it was too bad more Russians weren’t killed on the plane that crashed in Syria, later backtracking and trying to shove the toothpaste back in the tube.
Here are his flaccid attempts to undo his idiocy.
In addition to being a director at CAIR, naturally, he’s also a board member of the Democratic Party of California. What a year for the DNC, filled with the most disgusting and vile creatures in America — people like Hussam Ayloush.
Source: Wikipedia

Human rights and civil rights activist and community organizer. He is the Executive Director of the Los Angeles Area office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Hussam Ayloush is life-long human rights and civil rights activist and community organizer. He is the Executive Director of the Los Angeles Area office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).
Ayloush is a second-term elected Executive Board member to the CA Democratic Party (CDP). He also serves on the board of the Muslim American Homeland Security Congress (MAHSC).

As a human rights activist for the Democrats, Mr. Ayloush believes all lives are important, but that some are more important than others.

Content originally generated at iBankCoin.com

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