Collateral Damage From an Ill-Advised Executive Order: New at Reason

TrumpPresident Donald Trump is unhappy that a federal judge put the kibosh, at least temporarily, on his executive order blocking immigrants and other travelers from seven majority-Muslim nations. Though the order was framed as something to address a national security issue, it became clear very quickly that one of its most immediate impacts was denying legal workers, who pose no security threat, the ability to leave and re-enter the country—at great cost to them, their employers and the country’s productivity.

Both sides can debate the validity of a temporary and rushed ban on refugees and other would-be immigrants from the seven covered countries in the name of national security, but it’s hard to justify applying the same restrictions to workers in the United States on visas from these same countries. As long as the potential to be denied the right to return remains, they essentially cannot leave the United States for any reason, even to visit an ailing relative. Those who happened to be out of the country when the order was signed also could not return, leaving employers without many of their workers, writes Veronique de Rugy.

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