Trump’s Not Helping His Own Credibility: New at Reason

TrumpAsked about Melissa McCarthy’s portrayal of him on Saturday Night Live, White House press secretary Sean Spicer had some advice for the actress: “Dial it back.” Steve Chapman suggests the president adopt that phrase as his administration motto.

So far, Donald Trump has made it a practice to obliterate every known limit and pump up every grievance. Harvard law professor and former Reagan administration official Charles Fried, marveling at the president’s Twitter volleys at federal judges, said, “There are no lines for him. There is no notion of, this is inappropriate, this is indecent, this is unpresidential.”

It would not be impossible for Trump to take his campaign themes and turn them into a reasonably workable and defensible agenda for his presidency. It would consist of cracking down on unauthorized immigrants, renegotiating trade deals, rolling back regulation, beefing up the military, reforming the tax code and fixing the Affordable Care Act. Chapman wonders if he’d rather just yell at people.

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