Multiple Explosions At St. Petersburg Metro Stations, At Least 10 Injured

Update: Details are coming in of a second explosion at the "Sennaya Ploschad [square]"  with at least 10 people were injured.

Fire brigades are investigating reports of smoke at the Sennaya Ploshchad metro station in the Russian city of St. Petersburg, a regional Emergencies Ministry official told Sputnik on Monday.


"Preliminarily, there is strong smoke. Smoke protection service experts have been dispatched. The source of the smoke is being investigated," the source said.

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As we detailed earlier, reports are coming of an explosion at the Teknologicheskiy Institut metro station in St.Petersburg, Russia that has left several injured…

The metro management said they received reports of an explosion inside the car, possibly of an improvised explosive device.

Rosbalt reports that (via Google Translate)

At the train station "Technological Institute", an explosion occurred. This was reported by eyewitnesses.


According to them, many people have suffered as a result of the incident. On the published photo shows that the car door is badly damaged. Station platform clouded by smoke.


Details are not yet known. Official comments yet failed to get.

The situation does not look good…

There are many ambulances present already…


The station has been evacuated…

via Tyler Durden

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