Spicer Says Susan Rice Investigation Moving In A “Troubling Direction”

Earlier this morning we noted that it was looking increasingly likely that Obama’s National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, was behind the unmasking of the identity of various members Trump’s team who were ‘incidentally’ surveilled during the 2016 campaign (see “Confirmed: Susan Rice “Unmasked” Trump Team“).  If true, of course, this raises a number of questions about the Obama administration’s motives and whether various members of his team may have broken laws.

And while Spicer was somewhat non-committal on the issue at his daily press briefing earlier, pending the results of an ongoing investigation, he did say that new revelations were heading in a “troubling direction.”

Reporter“Senator Rand Paul has called the reports that Susan Rice ordered the unmasking of Trump’s associates a “smoking gun”, does the President agree with that characterization and what does he think of these reports?”


Spicer:  “There is an ongoing investigation, that we have supported, looking into this matter.  I will say there is a troubling direction that some of this is going in.  But we’re going to let this review go on before we jump to [conclusions].”


“But I think that it is interesting, the lack of interest that I’ve seen from the press corps in one set of developments versus another set of developments.” 


Meanwhile, as Trump has pointed out many times, Spicer went on to tell Fox News that the most troubling part of the whole situation was the media’s apparent ‘lack of interest’ in the potentially illegal actions of Susan Rice versus their complete fascination with Trump’s alleged ties to Vladimir Putin for which no one has offered a single shred of evidence… 


…none of which is all that surprising, now is it?  

via http://ift.tt/2oRJz9Y Tyler Durden

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