Chris Matthews And CNN’s Don Lemon Melting Down Over Rice And Farkas Bombshells – Claim Racist, Sexist Fake News!

If the truth can be judged by the reaction of establishment propagandists, it looks like we’ve hit paydirt…

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews and Mother Jones D.C. bureau chief David Corn engaged in a lively round of mental gymnastics over the Susan Rice ‘unmasking’ controversy – claiming it’s nothing more than a racist and sexist ploy by the President to “distract attention from the investigation.”

While groping through his addled mind for reasons for why poor Susan Rice is getting hounded by the media after it was revealed she was behind unmasking the Trump team, Matthews bloviated like a turtleneck-wearing coffee shop philosopher.

Notice it’s always a female? Just a thought.

Doubling down on the identity politics, Matthews then throws race into it!

So they are making her, you know, basically they’re defaming her without any reason to do so because she’s a woman. Maybe because she’s a black woman?



Meanwhile, CNN’s resident party enthusiast Don Lemon was sure to caution the network’s tiny audience that the Rice and Farkas news – plus anything House Intel Chair Devin Nunes said – is all FAKE NEWS!


Don’s such a tool. Look at that bowtie.

Consider the following from National Review:


People are going to jail, and it’s becoming more and more evident that the entire Russian hacking narrative may be nothing more than a giant smokescreen to justify egregious misuse of intelligence assets on political opposition. Hillary, after all, was supposed to have won – in which case none of the Trump surveillence would have ever come to light. Also consider that the ‘deep state’ probably knew in early 2016 how deeply in trouble Hillay Clinton was – thanks to their ability to tap into google searches, emails, tweets, and Facebook posts. The government’s ability to gauge national sentiment in real time is undoubtedly far beyond what most people realize – and as soon as Trump became a threat, the “Fake News” and “Russian” narratives were hatched. That 35 page dossier was ordered and paid for, the CrowdStrike report was cobbled together, and a barrage of allegations related to Rusia were queued up readied to discredit Donald Trump.

And it’s all unraveling in spectacular fashion…




via ZeroPointNow

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