Stocks Tumble: Fed Spooks Traders With Bubble Warning

Was today the Yellen Fed’s Irrational Exuberance moment?

It started off so well: the blistering ADP payrolls report, the highest in over two years (despite disappointing PMI and ISM reports), sent stocks soaring off the bat with the Dow jumping nearly 200 points higher, rising as high as 20,887, and the S&P knocking on the all time high 2,400 door again, and AMZN to new all tim highs, and making some wonder if the reflation trade had returned.

Alas it was not meant to be, because while it took the market some time to digest the Fed’s minutes, the FOMC delivered one of its loudest warnings to date that it was focusing not so much on inflation or employment, but was seeking to deflate what even “some members” of the FOMC agree is a stock bubble, warning that stock prices are “quite high”, and warning that its forecasts face “downside risks” if “financial markets were to experience a significant correction.”

And while the dollar briefly spiked to the day’s highs in kneejerk reaction to the minutes, it then surrendered its gains after the minutes showed most officials backed a policy change that would begin shrinking the central bank’s balance sheet.

The weakness in the dollar meant that everyone’s favorite market-influencing carry pair would likewise suffer, and after breaking out above 111, the USDJPY tumbled as low as 110.70 once again threatening the key 110 support level.

Of course, with both the dollar and USDJPY tumbling, it was gold’s turn to shine and it did just that, surging virtually uninterrupted since its post-minutes kneejerk selloff.

Oil did not help, because after rising to multi-week highs this morning, WTI promptly tumbled after the DOE not only rejected yesterday’s API draw report, but showed yet another record in commercial oil stocks coupled with the latest weekly increase in US crude production. The result: crude slumped back under $51, once again driving a dagger through the heart of the reflation trade.

Across the rates complex, if it was the Fed’s intention to orchestrate a smooth selloff, it failed: having failed to selloff earlier in the day as RBC discussed, yields briefly spiked higher after the Minutes only to eventually grind to session lows.

As for stocks, with the most shorted universe soaring in early trading, dragging the Russell higher, this too was pummeled on all sides after the Fed’s stark warning, prompting an accelerated liquidation of the most overvalued stock group, as shorts reasserted themselves.

Not even that poster child of the Fed’s latest bubble, Amazon, could withstand the selling and after hitting all time highs in early trade, was aggressively sold off.

To be sure, the selloff could have been far worse if it wasn’t for some aggressive buying programs, emanating perhaps from the NY Fed’s arms-length market market Citadel, or some other central bank, which nonetheless was unable to prevent the day’s substantial gains from becoming losses.

In short: today was a mess for the bulls, although it could have been much worse. However with the reflation trade now hobbled, with Trump set to meet Xi, with payrolls on Friday, there is a whole slew of risk events in the immediate horizon, coming at a time when the Fed itself is warning that the S&P is too damn high. And in this painfully illiquid market, all that it would take is for someone big to start selling…

via Tyler Durden

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