Our Benevolent Politicians

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The pathway for “government spending” is a truly brilliant scam:

The Congress is about to enter silly season, with its regular charade regarding their “deep concern” and the “seriousness” of over-spending. The farcical debt ceiling and shutdown crap is on tap, but we all know the punch line of this joke already. And the American taxpaying citizens will continue to get shafted. The Congress loves spending money. Why? Because it’s our money, not theirs. If it were their money, they wouldn’t be spending a dime (on us). They don’t actually care about us in the least. They would spit in our faces, if they weren’t worried about their re-elections and their images. They are completely self-absorbed with themselves. The only reason they “care” about us, and “prove” it via government spending programs, is because we forcibly have to hand over our money to them. Then they have the money to turn right around, and spend our own money on us. Because they have somehow gotten people to believe that sending our own money to them, to then spend on us, is how they show us they care. But they don’t spend their money on us, they spend our money on us, because apparently we’re too stupid to spend our own money on us. So because they are so brilliant (and compassionate), they must step in and spend our money on us – not spend their money on us. And as they so compassionately and so wisely continue to balloon the debt, thou shalt forgive them, because they’re only doing it because they “care” about us. It’s very easy to “care” about someone else, and thus “prove” it by spending money on that other person, as long as the “caregiver” is not actually forking over (spending) their own money. In fact, they’re forking over our own money right back to us, minus the usury fee (taxes).  Now how convoluted is this scam.

Democrats spend our money on all of their favorite pork barrel programs, and the Republicans do the same. And as long as both parties are doing it, then all the politicians, and the lobbyists and the hookers are all happy – as are all of the recipients and the beneficiaries of the payouts. As the wise economist Thomas Sowell pointed out “The welfare state is not really about the welfare of the masses. It is about the egos of the elites”. So as these elites get disgustingly, obscenely rich and bloated by serving the “public good” (spending our money), we keep getting poorer. Yet those of us who complain about all of this are just plain selfish apparently. 

So as we gear up for another fake “debate”, “philosophical disagreement” about spending our money on us, why is there not one politician even considering where the money is going to come from to keep these current programs going (along with all the new ones), with long bond rates at 6%, or 10%? Well the answer is simple, we’ll just send them more of our money.

From the esteemed WSJ:

President Donald Trump and GOP leaders enter their next big battle facing stubborn opposition in both parties that increases Republicans’ worries that they will need more Democratic support than previously expected to avert a government shutdown by the end of April. It is a sign of the new reality in Washington after Mr. Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan failed to persuade the House’s most conservative Republicans, as well as centrists, to back a bill to replace the Affordable Care Act. For Republicans leaders, the main challenge is the House Freedom Caucus, an alliance of the most conservative Republicans who successfully defied the White House to sink the health bill. For Democrats, unified opposition to the bill helped give the party a surprising legislative win and deprived Mr. Trump of an early victory. Their success in sticking together has left the party less incentive to compromise with Republicans.

via http://ift.tt/2nmMHy7 Trader Scott

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