Cops Performed Intrusive Searches on Every Single Student in This High School. No Drugs Found.

SearchThe local sheriff’s office performed a pat-down search on every student—some 900 people—at Worth County High School in Georgia. They came back empty handed.

The search came just one month after the Sylvester Police Department performed a search of its own. That operation was insufficient, according to Sheriff Jeff Hobby.

The sheriff’s search involved drug dogs. One dog directed authorities to a student vehicle, but no drugs were found inside it.

Parents weren’t too happy, and District Superintendent Lawrence Walters doesn’t blame them.

“I’ve never been involved with anything like that ever in the past 21 years and I don’t condone it,” Walters told WALB.

He stressed that no one asked for his permission to perform the searches.

Hobby said in an interview that he had probable cause, but didn’t elaborate as to why he suspected drug activity was taking place inside the school.

Teenagers are compelled to attend school until they reach a certain age. They do not lose their constitutional rights when they step inside one, however. Ina addition to the nuisance—I imagine a search of every single student would be an incredible hassle, wasting much of the day—what message are we sending to our children? What are we teaching them about the rights of a free people?

from Hit & Run

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