Obama Warning Trump About Flynn is the Definition of a Non-Story

NBC news is reporting that President Obama warned President elect Trump about hiring General Flynn.

What does that mean? Furthermore, what has Flynn done to deserve the ire of the main stream media to this large degree? Flynn’s ‘Russian ties’ is centered around a phone call made to the Russians, after the election, discussing things like normalizing relations. It’s important to note, not everyone is convinced that ‘the Russians’ hacked the elections or had anything to do with Wikileaks.

So, ahead of Sally “the hero” Yates’ testimony, the MSM is trying, desperately, to paint a narrative around a kind hearted Obama looking out for the best interests of Trump — generously offering him sage advice against hiring Flynn.

Who believes this shit?

Source: NBC

Former President Obama warned President Donald Trump against hiring Mike Flynn as his national security adviser, three former Obama administration officials tell NBC News.

The warning, which has not been previously reported, came less than 48 hours after the November election when the two sat down for a 90-minute conversation in the Oval Office.
A senior Trump administration official acknowledged Monday that Obama raised the issue of Flynn, saying the former president made clear he was “not a fan of Michael Flynn.” Another official said Obama’s remark seemed like it was made in jest.

Wait a second, you mean to tell me a leftist democrat told a right winger to not hire another right winger? Fucking shocked.
Content originally published at iBankCoin.com


In other news, Trump reminds people that Flynn had received the highest security clearance under Obama and to ask Yates about leaks, under oath.

What’s amazing is how this non-story is being peddled around today, hitting #1 on Reddit, in spite of the fact that it is literally a nothing-burger.

via http://ift.tt/2pnF1rB The_Real_Fly

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