Trump Threatens Bi-Weekly Press Briefings: “I’ll Have One Every Two Week And I’ll Do It Myself”

Following the chaotic fallout over the firing of FBI Director James Comey, Fox News has just wrapped an interview with POTUS conducted by Judge Jeanine Pirro.  And, just moments ago, we got our first sneak peak at the contents of that upcoming interview when Fox News released a teaser clip of Trump once again threatening to cancel the White House’s daily press briefings.

Pirro:  “Are you moving so quickly that your communications department cannot keep up with you?”


Trump“Yes.  That’s true.”


Pirro:  “So what do we do about that?”


Trump:  “We don’t have press conferences.  We just don’t have them.  Or unless I have one every two weeks and I do it myself.  We don’t have them.  I think it’s a good idea.” 


First of all, you have a level of hostility that is incredible.  And it’s very unfair.” 


Of course, this follows similar comments made by Trump in a mini tweet storm released earlier this morning. 


Just in case anyone in the White House reads this note, we’re of the opinion that this new approach would be worth a trial run just for the fun of the numerous on-air mainstream media meltdowns it would undoubtedly induce. 

via Tyler Durden

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