Senate Demands White House Tapes, Comey Memos On Just About Everyone

Following Jason Chaffetz' lead from last night, the Senate Judiciary Committee has demanded that The FBI hand over all Comey's memos "memorializing interactions" with Trump, Obama, Sessions, Lynch, Rosenstein, Boente, and Yates…

Charles Grasley, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, and Shedon Whitehouse wrote to Acting FBI Director McCabe…

Dear Mr. McCabe


Yesterday, the New York Times reported that former Director Comey created memos regarding his interactions with President Trump, "a paper trail Mr. Comey created documenting what he perceived as the president's improper efforts to influence an ongoing investigation."' 'The article stated that "Mr. Comey created similar memos – including some that are classified about every phone call and meeting he had with the president." More generally, the article stated "Mr. Comey was known among his closet advisers to document conversations that he believed would later he called into question." Presumably, this means that Mr. Comey created similar memoranda relating to other controversial conversations, whether with officials in the current administration or the prior one.


We are writing to request that the FBI provide the Committee with all such memos, if they exist, that Mr. Comey created memorializing interactions he had with Presidents Trump and Obama, Attorneys General Sessions and Lynch, and Deputy Attorneys General Rosenstein, Boente, and Yates regarding the investigations of Trump associates' alleged connections with Russia or the Clinton email investigation. Please provide these documents by no later than May 24, 2017.


We anticipate that some of these documents may be classified, some may not, and others may contain both classified and unclassified information. Please deliver any documents containing classified information to the Office of Senate Security and provide all unclassified documents directly to the Committee. If you have any specific requests with regard to the Committee's handling of to the Committee. If you have any specific requests with regard to the Committee's handling of unclassified material, please raise those with us in advance.

Interesting that they also demand all the "Hillary" related memos too… If Comey "memorialized" all his interactions – like he said he did for the Trump memo – then he must have the ones discussed with Obama, Lynch, Yates etc… regarding the Clinton case?

We also note that unlike Chaffetz, the Judiciary Committee did not demand "recordings."

So the Committee can consider that question, and others, provide, no later than May 24, 2017, all memoranda, notes, summaries, and recordings referring or relating to any communications between Comey and the President.

Both Comey and trump are getting boxed in here as the "liar" card is getting ready to be played. And then the "he said, he said" games begin…

via Tyler Durden

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