Rosenstein Knew Trump Planned To Fire Comey: Senators

Following Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s closed door briefing of the entire U.S. Senate, Senators filed out one-by-one to take questions from the press.  During those questions, Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) dropped yet another bomb when she told reporters that Rosenstein confirmed that he knew that Comey would be fired before he ever even released his controversial letter dated May 9th (letter can be read here).


Of course, this is a key revelation and potentially explains why rumors surfaced that Rosenstein had threatened to resign after the Trump administration initially attributed Comey’s dismissal to his letter.  Trump later walked back those claims in an interview in which he told Lester Holt that he had been planning to fire Comey pretty much from day 1.

Speaking later, Senator Durbin (D-IL) confirmed that Rosenstein said he discovered that Comey would be fired on May 8th, one day before his letter was released by the Trump administration on May 9th.  That said, Durbin also confirmed that Rosenstein told the closed session that he did not face any pressure from the White House to draft the letter.

Reporter:  “Based on what you heard today, do you believe that the Deputy Attorney General knew before he wrote that memo that James Comey was going to be fired?”


Durbin“Yes.  He knew the day before.”


Finally, just because nothing is ever crystal clear in politics, Senator Rubio (R-FL) caused some confusion when he said that Rosenstein was “unclear” on when he first discovered that Comey would be fired by the President.


Never a dull moment.

via Tyler Durden

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