Alan Dershowitz Says Comey Was a ‘Coward’ For Leaking to Press; Says Obstruction Case Non-Existent Against the President

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Get in here shills. It’s time for your daily lesson on the sacred documents of the U.S. Constitution. Following up on his emphatic belief that the President can, essentially, do whatever the hell he wants with the FBI head — the famed Harvard Law professor called the former director a ‘coward’ for leaking his notes to the press, saying “I thought it shows a lot of cowardice. The head of the FBI (audible laughter), the guy is supposed to be a strong and powerful guy and he’s afraid of a couple seagulls (referring to Comey’s depiction of the press outside his home to seagulls).”

He added, “He should have had the courage to get on television and release the memos and talk about it or not talk about it. But to have some friend become his surrogate was absurd.”

Dershowitz then reiterated his thoughts about the non-existent obstruction case against the President.

“We should just stop talking about obstruction of justice, there’s no plausible case there.”

You know things are bad when the head of the FBI is called a coward by Alan Dershowitz — for fucks sake.

via The_Real_Fly

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