Bring on the Crazy Summer Television Shows: New at Reason

'Blood Drive'The motto “Sun’s out, guns out” has never been more appropriate than when examining some of the bizarre, violent, and ultimately disposable summer shows that make their way to television each year. Critic Glenn Garvin takes a look at Claws and Blood Drive, coming to TNT and SyFy:

Good popcorn TV movies and shows are, as they used to say on one of its first exemplars, faster than a speeding bullet, the better to distract you from its innate stupidity. Claws (which, I was momentarily disappointed to discover, is not a modern blood-and-boobs remake of the epochal 1957 popcorn masterpiece Attack of the Crab Monsters) sets some kind of record in that regard.

Set in a small-town Florida nail salon, it starts out like a Tyler Perry party-hearty sitcom, with astronomical numbers of tattoos, big butts, and random shouts of “Off the hook!” and “Shake it!” But within minutes it morphs into an entertaining, if slightly idiotic, action-suspense drama: The salon offers the full menu of traditional Florida services running from erotic asphyxiation to money-laundering to off-site drug hootchie-ism to murder.

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