A War on Teachers? Let’s Hope So: New at Reason

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos’s modest insurgency against failing public schools should be applauded.

J.D. Tuccille writes:

“Are Trump and DeVos waging a war on teachers?” asks the Center for American Progress (CAP). A little reading reveals that by “teachers,” the painfully establishmentarian CAP means one-size-fits-few, government-run institutions. Given that such institutions have spent decades waging their own sort of hostilities against children, innovation, and choice, we should certainly hope that the new Education Secretary has some sort of pushback in mind to give kids a better chance at a real education.

What gets CAP so hot and bothered is that Secretary Betsy DeVos is a fan of allowing families to make decisions about their children’s education with something like the freedom they exercise when deciding on food, clothing, housing, and most other areas of life.

“Providing choices to parents promotes increased involvement in their children’s education and empowers them to seek out the schools and services that best meet their children’s unique educational needs—no matter their zip code, the color of their skin, their family’s income, or their own educational backgrounds,” she told the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies last week.

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