Resist 45: NY And CA Attorneys General Sue Trump Admin Over Energy Efficiency Standards

With the Trump-Russia collusion narrative suffering a setback from Comey’s testimony last week, the ‘Resist 45’ movement is branching out, full steam, with a series of lawsuits from Attorneys General from all over the country this week. 

Yesterday we noted that the attorneys general of Maryland and the District of Columbia filed a lawsuit alleging that foreign payments to President Trump’s hotels from visiting world leaders violated the emoluments clause of the U.S. constitution (see “Maryland, D.C. Attorney Generals To File Lawsuit Against Trump“).  

Now, a coalition of 11 AGs’ from around the country, led by the supremely impartial Eric Schneiderman of New York and Xavier Becerra of California, have filed yet another lawsuit alleging that the Trump administration violated the law by obstructing the implementation of energy efficiency standards that targeted consumer and commercial appliances. 

New York AG Schneiderman posted the following message to his twitter account:

Attorneys General Eric Schneiderman and Becerra File Suit Against Trump Admnistration Over Energy Efficiency Standards


Coalition Of 11 AGs Argue That Trump Administration Violated The Law By Obstructing Implementation Of Energy Efficiency Standards For Common Consumer And Commercial Appliances


Over Time, Standards Would Save Consumers And Businesses Approximately $12 Billion, Provide Energy Savings Equivalent To The Annual Electricity Consumption Of Over 19 Million Households, Eliminate Millions Of Tons Of Air Pollution


Last Month, Trump Reversed Course On Another Efficiency Standard After AGs Sued


New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, leading a coalition of 11 Attorneys General and the City of New York, today filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration’s U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) over its failure to comply with federal law by delaying energy efficiency standards for several common consumer and commercial products.


The Trump administration failed to publish in the Federal Register final energy efficiency standards for five products: portable air conditioners, uninterruptible power supplies, air compressors, walk-in coolers and freezers and commercial packaged boilers.


These standards would save consumers and businesses an estimated $11.6 billion, reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 159 million tons, and conserve over 242 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity — the equivalent of the annual electricity consumption of more than 19.3 million households — over a 3o-year period. The coalition filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the households — over a 3o-year period. The coalition filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California.


Schneiderman followed up with the following:


If at first you fail, keep calm, change your narrative and continue to ‘Resist 45’.

via Tyler Durden

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