Venezuela Dares Trump “To Send In The Marines”; Rejects Washington’s Crisis-Resolution Plan

Amid running battles in the streets that have left at least 74 dead since April, as the people finally rise up against the inevitable endgame scenario of Bernie Sanders' favorite socialist government, Washington is 'trying to help'.

At a meeting of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Cancun, Mexico, US Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan tried to rally support for a resolution to send regional mediators to Venezuela to create a plan to address Venezuela's crisis.

However, as AFP reports, this was not well received as Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez raged, calling Sullivan "el jefe" (the boss)…

"Venezuela is no humanitarian crisis,"


"There are no political prisoners in Venezuela,"


"The 'contact group' you're proposing is completely useless and unnecessary."


"The only way you could impose it would be to send in your marines – who would meet with a crushing response from Venezuela if they dared make such a misstep,"


"We refuse to retreat from the United States"


"[Washington] is trying to counteract the influence of Venezuela in the region by relocating A Cold War…"

Sullivan's response to the rant was a three-word rebuttal: "Distractions, distortions and irrelevancies."

But Rodriguez was not done, she also lashed out at other countries that supported the US-backed proposal. She referred to Peru as a "lapdog of imperialism" and called Costa Rica's foreign minister a "political illiterate who knows nothing about Venezuela."

As a reminder, Venezuelan President Maduro has not been quiet, making a bold statement to Washington last month, telling President Trump to stop meddling in the country's affairs.

"Enough meddling…go home, Donald Trump. Get out of Venezuela…get your dirty hands out of here," he said during a televised speech.

via Tyler Durden

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