CNN’s Anonymous Sources: Trump Suggested Intel Officials Refute Russian Collusion Narrative

CNN’s ‘bombshell’ revelation this morning, courtesy of anonymous sources of course, seems to be that Trump suggested the nation’s top intel officials should tell the truth to the public about the Russian collusion narrative, namely that there was none.  Shocking.

Of course, for anyone who has been paying attention, CNN’s “Russian collusion” narrative imploded about two weeks ago when Comey testified publicly before the Senate Intelligence Committee and confirmed numerous times that Trump was never under investigation.  And while that could all change, the only actual ‘facts’ we have at the moment on ‘Russian collusion’ (i.e. Comey’s testimony) would suggest that the FBI never thought there was a reason to investigate Trump. Moreover, we presume that the President suggesting that intel officials tell the truth under oath doesn’t qualify as a criminal offense…but that’s pure speculation on our part.

In any event, here is CNN trying to spin their latest, anonymously-sourced, nothing burger into a sinister plot:

Two of the nation’s top intelligence officials told Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team and Senate investigators, in separate meetings last week, that President Donald Trump suggested they say publicly there was no collusion between his campaign and the Russians, according to multiple sources.


Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and National Security Agency Director Adm. Mike Rogers described their interactions with the President about the Russia investigation as odd and uncomfortable, but said they did not believe the President gave them orders to interfere, according to multiple sources familiar with their accounts.


Sources say both men went further than they did in June 7 public hearings, when they provided little detail about the interactions.


The sources gave CNN the first glimpse of what the intelligence chiefs said to Mueller’s investigators when they did separate interviews last week. Both men told Mueller’s team they were surprised the President would suggest that they publicly declare he was not involved in collusion, sources said.


Of course, as we noted a few weeks back, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats confirmed, under oath, that he felt he’d never been “pressured” to interfere in any way with any ongoing investigations.

“In my time of service in interacting with the President of the United States, or anybody in his administration, I have never been pressured, I have never felt pressure to intervene or interfere in any way with shaping intelligence in a political way or in relationship to an ongoing investigation”


Meanwhile, even Chris Matthews threw in the towel on the Russian collusion narrative…which would seem to be the most obvious sign yet that there is no ‘there’ there (see: The Thrill Is Gone: Chris Matthews Admits “There’s No ‘There’ There” On Trump-Russia ‘Collusion’).

In summary, the following tweet still seems to apply…but keep fighting the good fight CNN.

via Tyler Durden

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