The Republican Health Care Dud, Harry Potter, and Supreme Court Shakeup [Reason Podcast]

“Were trying to extend twentieth century or even nineteenth century entitlement spending into the twenty-first century,” says Reason’s Nick Gillespie about the Senate Republicans’ health care legislation. “The demographics don’t work, the economics don’t work, and nobody will talk about just increasing the supply and variety of health care. It’s maddening!”

Peter Suderman joins Nick Gillespie and Katherine Mangu-Ward in a discussion moderated by Andrew Heaton. In addition to making sense of the unimaginative Republican bill and suggesting more radical reforms in place of it, they discuss a new CATO piece about the true number of libertarians in America; the cultural impact of Harry Potter two decades in (and which house Gillespie and Mangu-Ward would would fall into); and who should replace Justice Kennedy on the Supreme Court if he retires.

Audio production by Ian Keyser.

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