Meet the Man Who Might Take Down the President: ROB GOLDSTONE


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The emails Don Jr. posted appear to be somewhat troubling. At a minimum, the optics look dreadful.

I have no problem with the emails being public, just like I had no problem with the Wikileaks. However, inquiring minds want to know, how did the NY Times get those emails? Clearly, the source of the emails, Rob Goldstone, was not the leaker. In a recent statement to the press, Goldstone said of the infamous meeting, ‘it was the most insane nonsense I ever heard. And I was actually agitated by it.”

If you recall, less than a month ago, James Comey was seen entering the NY Times building, which got people thinking that he had something to share with them.

Benjamin Wittes, a repulsive man and staunch ally of James Comey, has been offering his followers on Twitter smoke signals regarding deep state leaks and attacks on Trump to the media. Zerohedge did a fine job documenting them.

Immediately after Comey was spotted entering the NY Times building, Wittes tweeted this gem.

And now today he confirmed detonation. Coincidence? I think not.

So who is this Goldstone fellow that might bring down the Trump Presidency? He’s a tabloid shill in the UK, flamboyant and a total tool.

On the day of the Trump meeting with the Russian lawyer, Goldstone checked in on his Facebook account. That’s a very convenient data point for the FBI and NSA to cross reference — perhaps leading to the hacking of his account.

He lamented over the DNC, saying he wished to be back in Moscow.

And he even wears shirts that read ‘Russia’ on them. If you tried to make this stuff up, you couldn’t. It’s too cartoonish and unbelievable.

So where is the connection between Trump-Goldstone-Russia?

He is the PR agent for a Russian pop star, Emin Agalarov. Emin’s father is Aras Agalarov, a Russian real estate developer who was Trump’s partner in the Miss Universe competition in Moscow.

Here is Donald Trump, featured in a 2013 Emin Agalarov music video.

Based off his social media posts, Goldstone visited Russia 19 times since 2013. He even posted about Trump’s intentions to run for the Presidency, before it was announced.

Source: Guardian

Goldstone’s posts indicate that he was in Moscow 10 days before the 9 June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower, and then returned to spend most of that July in Russia and Azerbaijan. When Trump announced his campaign for the US presidency in June 2015, Goldstone claimed to have already been briefed on Trump’s intentions during a meeting he and Agalarov enjoyed at Trump Tower the previous month, writing: “He talked about his planned run for President of the USA – which became official today!”

What does this all mean? At a minimum, Goldstone is a Russophile. Worst case scenario, the Trump team wittingly used this catamite as a conduit to the Russian government. But none of that has been proven. Again, this all circles back to the Podesta emails and Wikileaks. If Russia was indeed the source for the Wikileaks, we’ve yet to see evidence of that, aside from CIA/FBI/NSA assurances.

via The_Real_Fly

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