Is School Choice Good for Kids? Listen to Last Night’s Debate. [Reason Podcast]

Should taxpayer funding follow children to schools that their parents select, or should it go directly to pay the costs of the existing system? In a debate held in New York City last night, Bob Bowden, the executive director of the education news site ChoiceMedia, went up against Samuel Abrams, director of the National Center for the Study of Privatization in Education at Columbia University’s Teachers College and the author of Education and the Commercial Mindset.

Bowden defended the following proposition: “Parents should have the choice to opt out of public schools and redirect the taxpayer tuition money for their children to other approved schools or educational options.” Abrams took the negative.

The event was hosted by the Soho Forum, Reason’s monthly libertarian-themed Oxford-style debate series. At the beginning of the event, attendees get to vote on the evening’s resolution. After the debaters have had their say, the audience votes again, and the side that’s gained the most ground wins the contest.

Bowdon started out the evening with 60 percent of the audience on his side and picked up one percent. Abrams had 21 percent at the outset and added 11 percent. Since Abrams gained more ground, he won the debate.

Last night’s warm up act was Reason contributor and “World’s Worst Mom” Lenore Skenazy talking about her shocking parental practices.

The Soho Forum will kick off its second season on September 19 with David Goldhill vs. Jacob Hacker on socialized health care. Get your tickets here.

Audio post-production by Ian Keyser.

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