CNN Readies Russophobic Show To Scare Suburbia

Much of the American public no longer cares about Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. They also don’t care about the Senate investigation, or the House investigation.

So it’s unsurprising that CNN, in a semingly blatant example of suburban scaremongering, will attempt to revive the anti-Russia hysteria that permeated the political climate just a few months ago, by preparing to debut “The Spies Next Door: Operation Ghost Stories." The documentary focuses on the story of undercover Russian sleeper living in the US. The show details “one of the largest counterintelligence investigations in the history of the FBI," reads a release from the network via the Hill.

The series airs Saturday nights at 9:00 pm EST and is hosted by former Republican Rep. Mike Rogers. Rogers was, until recently, a contender to succeed James Comey as FBI director.

In an interview with the Hill, Rogers touches on why the documentary could inflame tensions with leftists who see Russian operatives around every corner.

"These were Russian spies with American sounding names who were posing as your neighbor, your work colleague, your friend. Having the possibility of a spy living next door draws people in who are not only interested in spy stories, but also those who are interested in learning more about how the Russians intelligence services operate after being exposed to the current news about their activities in the U.S.," Rogers added.

Rogers is also apparently a fan of FX’s popular drama "The Americans," about two KGB spies posing as an American couple in suburban Washington DC during the Reagan administration. "The Americans" mirrors the plot of the documentary in many ways.

"My wife and I love it. I can say that the spy tradecraft you see is fairly accurate," Rogers said.

The Hill, in a tone verging on tongue in cheek, also noted that "The Spies Next Door" is premiering as investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election and possible collusion with members of Trump campaign frequently receives heavy coverage on CNN and other broadcast news outlets.

The series will air in eight parts and will run through Labor Day Weekend.

via Tyler Durden

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