Scaramucci Singles Out Obama’s “Political Holdovers” As White House Leakers

Having 'terminated' his first White House leaker yesterday, President Trump's newly-minted comms director has wasted no time in making many feel uncomfortable in the their roles (and rightly so).

Speaking on Fox News, The Hill reports that Scaramucci said that "political holdovers" from the Obama White House "aren't helping," and hinted that more staff changes could be on the way.

"Listen, we have to crack down on leaks on a number of different fronts," Scaramucci told "Fox and Friends."


"There seems to be some holdovers, political holdovers from the Obama administration that are not helping," he added.


"I certainly have the full responsibility in the comms shop, which I do believe will be corrected shortly."

Scaramucci cautioned viewers to remember that it's impossible for him to reach a point of absolutely no leaks, but pledged to clean up the White House press office.

"People are suggesting I'm going to try to get the leaks down to zero, that is absolutely impossible in Washington, I'm learning a little about this town, but what I do want to have happen is people who report to me, if there are senior people in the administration trying to get them to leak information on each other, we're getting that to stop right now."

Finally, Mooch The Merciless told Fox:

D.C. is the kind of town where people are "very nice to your face," but then stab you in the back.

"I'm more of a front-stabbing person," he said.

It appears that is just what The White House needs.

via Tyler Durden

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